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Life in Kawartha Lakes

  • The Downfall of Multitasking

    As a farmer and mother of two young children, multitasking is a mix of survival and success.  Even if I were not trying to manage a seasonal farm, all households require a certain element of multitasking to ensure that everyone and everything keeps moving along.  The problem with multitasking is when the number of tasks […]

  • As the Seasons Change

    It has been a while since anyone has heard from us at the farm.  This is our slow, less showy season, where tasks become inside ones.  Days are filled with book work to tally up last season expenses and sales, phone calls for pricing, filling out applications and mapping out what next summers expansion is […]

  • Why Farming?

    A good day on the farm opens and closes with long shadows, pale sunbeams and whispering winds.  Romantic right?

    Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to observe every small step spring takes towards summer and then relish in watching it close out into fall, all the while enjoying the fruits of the season’s labour.  Couple these […]